There are many blessings in life, but the one that lets you enjoy it all is the blessing of good health. Find segulos for refuah as well as guidance and Jewish perspectives on health.

Judaism tells us that everything in life comes from Hashem, and good health is no exception. Therefore, we turn to Hashem for health and healing. Our daily prayers include requests for continued good health and for refuah sheleimah (complete healing), and we pray that all sick people in our nation should be healed.

The best way to merit Hashem’s blessing of good health and long life is through following the Jewish values on health as our means of doing our part, as well as doing segulos (propitious acts) for a refuah (healing) when the need arises. Every time we acknowledge that refuah and good health is dependent on Hashem’s kindness, we make ourselves more worthy of that blessing.


There are also many Jewish health-related values that can provide comfort

Judaism tells us that everything in life comes from Hashem, and good health is no exception. Therefore, we turn to Hashem for health and healing. Our daily prayers include requests for continued good health and for refuah sheleimah (complete healing), and we pray that all sick people in our nation should be healed.

The best way to merit Hashem’s blessing of good health and long life is through following the Jewish values on health as our means of doing our part, as well as doing segulos (propitious acts) for a refuah (healing) when the need arises. Every time we acknowledge that refuah and good health is dependent on Hashem’s kindness, we make ourselves more worthy of that blessing.

when medical issues arise. During an illness, you strengthen your reliance on Hashem as the Ultimate Healer. And when you’re able to hold onto that, then no matter the prognosis, you know that there is always hope. A special stage of life that requires extra focus on health is pregnancy.

Here as well, remembering that Hashem provides health is the best way to merit a healthy pregnancy. You want to do everything you can to provide your unborn child with a healthy start in life, and ultimately the best preparation is asking Hashem for His help. There are many segulos for healthy development throughout the pregnancy, with a special focus on meriting an easy labor and delivery.


In the following articles you can learn more about the Jewish perspective on maintaining health, segulos for good health and Jewish care for the ill. You’ll find halacha and Jewish guidance for the sick patient, as well as an explanation of Jewish pregnancy customs and segulos for a healthy pregnancy.

There are also many Jewish health-related values that can provide comfort when medical issues arise. During an illness, you strengthen your reliance on Hashem as the Ultimate Healer. And when you’re able to hold onto that, then no matter the prognosis, you know that there is always hope. A special stage of life that requires extra focus on health is pregnancy.

Here as well, remembering that Hashem provides health is the best way to merit a healthy pregnancy. You want to do everything you can to provide your unborn child with a healthy start in life, and ultimately the best preparation is asking Hashem for His help. There are many segulos for healthy development throughout the pregnancy, with a special focus on meriting an easy labor and delivery.


In the following articles you can learn more about the Jewish perspective on maintaining health, segulos for good health and Jewish care for the ill. You’ll find halacha and Jewish guidance for the sick patient, as well as an explanation of Jewish pregnancy customs and segulos for a healthy pregnancy.

Segulos for Health​

Segulos for Health

An explanation of effective segulos for a refuah sheleima and general health

Implementing Jewish health segulos are a powerful way to merit good health and healing for the sick. Whether you or a family member is ill, or you simply cherish your good health and want to remain that way, you’ll find this overview of segulos for health helpful and enlightening. Included in the article is the text and translation for a tefillah (prayer) for health that you can insert regularly in Shemoneh Esreh. This tefillah for health allows you to mention a sick person by name, so you can pray for them specifically. You’ll also read about how a bracha from tzaddik can help, as well as saying asher yatzar (the restroom prayer) with concentration and devotion. Also discussed in the article is what Torah learning for long life is all about.

Jewish Health Maintenance

choosing healthy food as part of jewish health maintenance

Jewish Health Maintenance

Discover what the Torah has to say about Jewish health maintenance

Find answers to your questions about the Torah perspective on health with this discussion of many Jewish values on health. You’ll find out why Jewish health maintenance is actually a mitzvah (positive commandment) in the Torah, and what the Rambam (Maimonides) says about safeguarding our health. Other aspects discussed are Jewish dietary laws and eating healthy, how exercise in Judaism plays out, and what the perspective on mental health in Jewish tradition is. You’ll read about the doctor’s role in Jewish health maintenance and how that affects how Jews respond to an illness. Read this article to gain clarity on the perspectives of Jewish health maintenance.

Jewish guidance for the sick patient

Jewish Guidance for the Sick

Jewish guidance for the sick patient

Jewish Guidance for the Sick

Jewish guidance for the sick highlights how sickness can bring about positive outcomes 

It’s no fun being sick, but when you internalize helpful Jewish perspectives, it can change your entire experience of the illness. Find out how you can accomplish and be productive even as a sick patient, continuing to fulfill your mission in life. One way to use sickness as an opportunity for growth is to constantly affirm that Hashem is the only One who can heal you. One way to keep this front of mind is by saying the Jewish prayers for the sick before you take medicine or undergo a procedure. The text and translation of this prayer can be found in this article. In this article you’ll also find a partial list of Jewish resources for the sick, which provide a variety of chesed services for the sick patient and family. Services range from lending hospital equipment to providing entertainment and sending volunteers to visit the sick. Visiting the sick in Judaism is a great mitzvah, as explained in this article. 

stethoscope and heart health as care for the ill

Jewish Care for the Ill

stethoscope and heart health as care for the ill

Jewish Care for the Ill

Know how you can help a family member receive the best Jewish care for the ill.

When a family member is sick, you might feel at a loss. What can you do to help them get better? From a Jewish perspective, there’s a lot you can do. Find out how you can help add merits for your loved one’s recovery and why Bikur Cholim (visiting the sick) is such a great mitzvah. As a part of the Jewish community, you can also be of help by connecting your loved one to community support. Whether it’s your local community resources or national organizations, there are many organizations that value the opportunity to help the sick in a variety of ways. Sometimes family members need to make truly difficult decisions as they care for a patient. End-of-life decisions involve questions of Jewish law, so it’s important to have guidance for Jewish hospice care and to have a Rabbi to consult. Find out more about who can help in this article. 

segulah for healthy pregnancy and easy delivery of baby

Prayers and Segulah for Healthy Pregnancy

segulah for healthy pregnancy and easy delivery of baby

Prayers and Segulah for Healthy Pregnancy

Approach your pregnancy care with a Jewish perspective

You always want to be healthy, but when you’re pregnant, the blessing of good health takes on a double significance. It’s the foundational time for your child’s development, and your every action has a super-powerful impact. You can harness that power for the positive as you fulfill a segulah for healthy pregnancy or say a prayer for the merit of your unborn child. Every pregnant woman tries to prepare for a smooth and easy labor and delivery. There’s no better preparation than coming to your birth with the merit of Hashem’s protection. Through doing a segulah for easy childbirth, you accomplish two things. The first is that you remind yourself that Hashem is the One to turn to during the pain of childbirth. The second is that you gain merit that helps you be worthy of His blessing for an easy childbirth. Find a list of popular segulos and Jewish pregnancy customs in this article.

segulah for healthy pregnancy and easy delivery of baby

Prayers and Segulah for Healthy Pregnancy

segulah for healthy pregnancy and easy delivery of baby

Prayers and Segulah for Healthy Pregnancy

Approach your pregnancy care with a Jewish perspective

You always want to be healthy, but when you’re pregnant, the blessing of good health takes on a double significance. It’s the foundational time for your child’s development, and your every action has a super-powerful impact. You can harness that power for the positive as you fulfill a segulah for healthy pregnancy or say a prayer for the merit of your unborn child. Every pregnant woman tries to prepare for a smooth and easy labor and delivery. There’s no better preparation than coming to your birth with the merit of Hashem’s protection. Through doing a segulah for easy childbirth, you accomplish two things. The first is that you remind yourself that Hashem is the One to turn to during the pain of childbirth. The second is that you gain merit that helps you be worthy of His blessing for an easy childbirth. Find a list of popular segulos and Jewish pregnancy customs in this article.

Judaism and Care for the Ill

Hashem always cares for the sick, and that is expressed in the Torah. When you or a loved one is going through a medical challenge, you never have to feel alone, as the Torah teaches about the mitzvah of Bikur Cholim (visiting the sick.) This Torah mitzvah shows how much importance Hashem attributes to caring for the ill and supporting them in every way. The Jewish community is full of resources and organizations that provide services and support for the ill.

A Time for Healing

Every person’s needs in the realm of good health are different. There are those who have already exhausted every treatment the doctors have to offer, and have yet to find healing. Others have mild or chronic health concerns. Some people are sensitive or fragile medically, so that health is always on their mind. And even people with no particular health concerns yearn for the blessing of continued good health.


Whatever your current needs are, a powerful way to merit continued good health or Refuah is to donate to the charity of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness. Donating to this charity as a means of meriting all that you desire is a Jewish custom that’s been passed down for generations. It’s likely that your great-grandparents donated their rubbed-out coins to Rabbi Meir Baal Haness’s charity, with fervently whispered prayers to merit good health for their family.


RMBH Charities has many programs to support the sick, who are often in desperate need of help. Whether it’s visiting patients in the hospital or providing care packages, RMBH Charities has always been at the forefront of providing emotional support for the ill. RMBH also provides funds for urgently needed medical care for those who don’t have any way to cover their expenses. 


Another of RMBH’s special funds provides for needy brides so that they can get married with joy. Donating to this specific fund has helped people near death merit a recovery. 


Join the chain of generations and donate to an RMBH Charities fund today.







רפואה שלימה

